Full Stack Custom

Software Development

Full Stack Custom Software Development

Our Services

Mobile App Development

Our experienced team of mobile app engineers develop and maintain both hybrid and native mobile applications on iOS and Android. We are experts in navigating the complexities of the Apple and Google app store processes for testing and release.

Web App Development

Responsive web app development using trusted JavaScript frameworks enables our clients to provide a desktop experience to their users or manage their mobile applications dynamically from a dashboard.

User Experience (UI/UX) & Graphic Design

Clients work directly with our award-winning UI/UX designer to create black-and-white wireframes and then full-color mockups for their mobile or web application project. Clients typically use these mockups to conduct pre-sales, pitch for investment, get potential user feedback, and communicate their product in a visual way all before any code has been developed.

Cloud Infrastructure & DevOps

Utilizing the latest in containerized cloud infrastructure technology, we give our clients a unique advantage from MVP stage that allows them to grow and scale their product from the start. Deployments can be handled automatically to multiple environments, and resources scale based on actual usage which results in lower monthly cloud spend for many of our clients.

Custom API Development & Integration

Each project has unique needs when it comes to custom API development and integrations. Many projects require things like data processing, email or SMS capabilities, payment processing, CRM integration and more. Our team has experience integrating with many existing API platforms as well as developing one from the ground up with scalability and security in-mind.

Prototype & Product Consulting

After working with many clients to develop and launch custom software projects, as well as working on some of our own, our team has built up unique insight into the product development and funding lifecycles in our region. We are firm believers in the lean business process, and focus our consulting work around determining what is important to focus on in the early stages of a SaaS-based start-up.

Have a software product but don’t know where to start?

Our team of experts can help you plan strategically and build intentionally.

1. Discovery
2. Prototype (MVP)
3. Build (MMP)
4. Scale (MLP)

1. Discovery

Before we even begin development, we utilize the Discovery phase to prove "product / market fit" and build up the product mindset that guides new endeavors to success. We'll work with you every step of the way to bring your product to life. We're passionate about helping our clients succeed, and we're committed to being your partner throughout the journey.

Defining the Product / Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

We start by defining and understanding your product's needs. We gather requirements, create wireframes and mockups, and develop user experience (UX) canvases as well as user personas. These deliverables drive our shared understanding and encourage a product development mindset.

Technical Feasibility

Once the product requirements take shape, we assess the technical complexity and feasibility of your product. We'll create architecture and database diagrams and may build small proof-of-concept (POC) integrations to make sure your product is technically sound.


Even if we come up with a great idea that is technically sound, we still need to prove that your customers will want the product. We will help you conduct user interviews, test the user experience (UX) of the proposed solution, and seek to gather letters of intent or support from your potential customers and/or investors.

Due Diligence Support

Most products need to be supported by a viable business model and many require outside funding sources to reach their maximum potential. Beyond technical documentation, a product must be supported by solid business documentation and plans. We are here to support you through many of the due diligence-related efforts like creating financial projections, conducting competitive analysis, and defining a revenue model.

2. Prototype (MVP)

Are you ready to take your idea to the next level? Our team of experts can help you develop your prototype - we call it a "Minimum Viable Product" (MVP) - and get it to market quickly and efficiently.

Roadmap & Planning

Just like with our “Discovery” phase, we start by understanding your needs. We'll work with you to define the core features of your MVP and prioritize those based on their importance to your users.

Build -> Review -> Test -> Adjust

Once ready to begin development, we use an agile approach, which means we'll build and release the product in small increments. This will allow us to get feedback from users quickly and iterate on the product as needed. We'll partner with you to conduct further user interviews, test usability, and get your users' feedback on the product. This feedback is critical to have the ability to pivot your product early and often to meet your target audience's needs.

Goal Setting & Revenue Generation

The primary goal of our Prototype phase is to deliver a product that validates that you should continue to build further. Oftentimes, generating early revenue is a key indicator that you should continue to build your product and add more robust features. We'll work with you to set realistic development and revenue goals for your MVP to track its progress.

3. Build (MMP)

After you've launched your MVP and validated your product concept, it's time to start thinking about the next stage of development: the Minimum Marketable Product or “MMP.”

Development Roadmapping

A Minimum Marketable Product (MMP) is a product that has all the core features of your Minimum Viable Product (MVP), plus additional features that make it more marketable to a wider audience. It's still a lightweight product, but it's more polished and is focused on requiring less white-glove service for each user. We'll work with you to define the scope of your MMP, set realistic goals, and create a timeline that drives you toward your goals.

Consider Funding Path

We've seen many different paths to funding a large development build and are happy to share from our experience. We'll help you understand the different resources available and identify the best funding path for your MMP. Bootstrapping, utilizing grants, or raising seed round investments all have unique challenges that affect how we should approach the MMP build phase.

Product Development

Throughout the "Build" phase we'll use the same agile approach as we used in "Prototype" to build your product roadmap in small increments. This will allow us to continue to gather feedback from users and build the platform that delights them.

Manage Operations

A key pitfall of many new software products is the lack of a holistic perspective on the overall product business. While we build a great technical product, it is important that the business operations continue to grow along with the software product. We'll help you build internal processes that ensure your business is prepared for the number of users you are onboarding. 

4. Scale (MLP)

Once your software product is up and running, with users and a solid operational foundation, it's time to consider how to scale and grow the business. With all new software-based businesses, you will likely have ongoing development required on the path to building your Minimum Loveable Product (MLP). Appsky is here to support and help you grow however we can.

Staff Placements

Appsky offers staff placement services to help our clients with fully launched products that need consistent development resources. We place one or more of our experienced team members as a dedicated resource to support you as you scale your product and business. Our staff placement services are flexible and scalable, so you can add or remove developers as your product needs change.

Business Process Management (BPM) Consulting

Every business has formal and informal processes that allow them to function. Oftentimes, those processes have been grown organically based on decisions made in the past or simply "because we have always done it that way." Appsky can bring an experienced team with an outside perspective to offer suggestions and identify which business processes might be ready to evolve.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

There are many tasks that we as humans are uniquely capable of achieving with our sense of creativity, intuition, and pattern recognition. However, there are also tasks that are consistent, tedious, and better suited for a machine to process. Appsky offers RPA consulting to help take the low-hanging fruit off your team's plate so that they can focus more of their time and energy on the challenging and rewarding work that they are experts at.