Nebraska Innovation Fund

Prototype Grant

Nebraska Innovation Fund Prototype Grant

Won Appsky Prototype Applications

Grant Statistics

Grants of up to $150,000 per project are available.
The Department of Economic Development (DED) reimburses expenses at rates of 66% or 80% for value-added agriculture projects.
Funds for the year 2024 will be released in July 2024.

The Nebraska Innovation Fund Prototype Grant, administered by the Department of Economic Development, offers matching funds to assist in product development expenses. While commonly utilized by tech startups in Nebraska for software development, the grant also supports engineering, prototype materials, and equipment costs.

Appsky has actively participated in multiple prototype grant projects since 2017. Leveraging our proficiency in software product development, we’ve assisted numerous clients in securing the prototype grant and developing prototypes for market validation, thereby enhancing their business ventures.

General Steps to Apply


Please visit the Nebraska DED website for more information on all the requirements & guidelines for the grant.

1. Work with Appsky to develop your technical roadmap.

2. Fill out the Application

3. Create a Business Plan

4. Details outlining the utilization of the fund for development purposes.

5. Proof of Matching funds to receive the grant (ex. $25k for $75k grant)

How We Help

We Plan

We offer comprehensive estimates and detailed technical project plans that help your application stand out in review.

We Design

Our team can create well designed wireframes and mockups that help you showcase the features and value of your project.

We Navigate

We assist in navigating the grant application journey and link you to other complementary resources in Nebraska, including funding avenues, business plan support, and more.

Interested in more detail on the ways Appsky can assist you with your Prototype Grant application?